Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Hey everyone,

Welcome back to school!! It is now the time that we settle into our classes, reconnect with friends, and transition into school mode. I hope y’all have a nice transition and find the block schedule to be more accommodating to your busy lives. It sure has been for mine!!

As expected, this year will not be completely normal–the US is still struggling to contain the easily-spreadable Delta COVID variant, and we need to remain cautious. One of the results of these precautions is that we can’t all meet in Kenan as a student body to have Morning Meetings…

Sneak peak of our Teams set up

However, with the work of the Theater Crew, the Community Programming Committee, and the Exec Team, we’re going to have VIRTUAL MORNING MEETINGS THIS YEAR!!!! Every Monday, students will head to their advisories, where their advisor will join a Teams call. On the Teams call, I (Edward)–along with a few occasional guests–will be giving morning announcements LIVE from the LC.

The Theater Crew–made up of Mr. Bohanek, Mr. Kavanaugh, Kaitlyn Kushner, and Chaz Strickland–has gone the extra mile to get this set up, making a news desk, setting up our camera, and testing our tech to make the best possible experience. However, our first meeting will by NO means be perfect!! So please bear with us.

Our awesome tech team

In the beginning, we’re going to keep our set up basic in order to avoid major tech issues. Eventually, though, we’re going to start inviting guests to join and give shout outs, use different cameras, and maybe incorporate some online graphics!!

This upcoming Monday, Mrs. Frasher and I will be discussing our new Morning Meeting system and what our Student Government is going to look like this upcoming year. I look forward to speaking to you guys bright and early, and be sure to say hey around campus!!

Excited for this new chapter!!


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