Sat. Jan 18th, 2025


Last year was a year like no other. We had to stay home, learn how to use Teams, and connect with our friends and teachers from afar. School events were cancelled, sports games went without spectators, and we couldn’t even see the lower half of each other’s faces…

However, we managed to come together and make the best out of a scary, frustrating situation. We maintained unified in any way possible, with sports game livestreams, virtual group meetings, and more. It was an overwhelming challenge, but we overcame.

Like a lot of you, I have high hopes for this school year. As I said in my speech for Student Body President, I wanted this year to be our New Deal, and I would be FDR. I want to bring everyone together again with social events, fun sports nights, exciting assemblies… And finally see the bottom of each other’s faces again.

But, in reality, there’s still a lot of uncertainty. COVID rates are fluctuating, and we still need to be wary of the risks. We want to be fully back to normal, but it’s not quite possible yet.

Luckily, last year taught us an essential life skill — TO ADAPT. Now, we’re all pros. And that means that we have a lot more opportunity to have fun this year! As an Exec Team, we want to find any ways possible to uphold our fun school traditions — like fall formal. We want normalcy.

We might not have the all clear yet, but this is a fresh start. Prepare for an exciting, unique, and memorable 2022.

Sko Cavs!!!!


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